Tree or three?: an elementary pronunciation course
2. -
Cambridge University Press,
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
In this book, these are pairs of words/sentences which differ by only one sound, e.g. Have you got a pen/Have you got a pan? These sometimes help students to hear and the pronounce sounds that are difficult for them. You may want to extend students’ class practice of particular minimal pairs by inventing games or playing the following: ‘Card game’ Make cards for all the minimal pairs in units 1-6. Shuffle the cards and deal them face down all around the table. Turn over any two cards and read the words aloud. If they aren’t minimal pairs turn them face down again and the next person plays. Collect as many pairs as you can in a time limit, e.g. ten minutes. ‘Fingers’ For each pair, say words rapidly at random, e.g. tree tree three three tree three. Student show with one or two fingers if they hear sound 1 or sound 2. Students practise in pairs and then back to back.
Thông tin lưu trữ
Mã kho |
Tên kho |
Vị trí |
Tổng số bản |
1 |
Kho 1 |
Tầng trệt |
1 |
Thông tin lưu hành
Số đăng ký cá biệt |
Còn/thất lạc |
Tình trạng |
Mã độc giả |
Họ tên |
Hạn trả |
100018075 |
Còn |
Rỗi |
Danh sách độc giả đăng ký mượn sách
Mã sinh viên |
Họ tên |
Ngày đăng ký |
Ngày hết hạn |