Key management models: the 60+ models every manager needs to know

Ký hiệu xếp giá
658.001 A845k
Xuất bản
2. - New York: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2009
Mô tả
249tr ; 24 cm
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Đánh dấu
Management models - love them or hate them, they crop up all the time. Models provide a framework for improving business performance, so if you’re a manager, or studying business, then it’s really important you know what they are and how to use them. Key Management Models has the winning combination of brevity and clarity, so it is the essential guide to all the management models you’ll ever need to know about. This book gives you short, practical overviews of the top classic and cutting edge management models in an easy-to-use, ready reference format. Whether you want to remind yourself about models you’ve already come across, or want to find new ones, you’ll find yourself referring back to it again and again. And you’ll wonder what you ever
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