Building core competencies in pharmacy informatics

Ký hiệu xếp giá
615.1023 F794
Xuất bản
1. - Washington, D.C.: American Pharmacists Association, 2010
Mô tả
507tr ; 23 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
Pharmacy informatics,
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
Contents: foundations of pharmacy informatics, computing and telecommunication fundamentals, health care data management and exchange, medication use process I: assessment and ordering interventions, medication use process II: pharmacist invitation and assessment of medication interventions, medication use process III: medication dispensing and distribution, medication use process IV: electronic systems for medication verification administration, and documentation, medication use process V: medication-related monitoring and outcomes measurement, pharmacy informatics ecosystem.
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