Practical pharmaceutics: an international guideline for the preparation, care and use of medicinal products

Ký hiệu xếp giá
615.1 Y99
Xuất bản
1. - Cham: Springer, 2015
Mô tả
878tr ; 28 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
bào chế, dược phẩm, nhà thuốc, hóa dược
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
Preface -- Introduction -- Prescription assessment -- Availability of medicines -- Oral solids -- Oral liquids -- Pulmonary -- Oropharynx -- Nose -- Ear -- Eye -- Rectal and vaginal -- Dermal -- Parenteral -- Irrigations and dialysis solutions -- Radiopharmaceuticals -- Product design -- Physical chemistry -- Microbiology -- Statistics -- Quality risk management -- Stability -- Raw materials -- Containers -- Human resources -- Occupational health and safety -- Premises -- Equipment -- Basic operations -- Sterilisation methods -- Aseptic handling -- Quality requirements and analysis -- Documentation -- Production, quality control and validation -- Pharmaceutical quality systems -- Logistics -- Instructions for the use of medicines -- Impact on Environment -- Information sources.
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