Aulton's pharmaceutics: the design and manufacture of medicines

Ký hiệu xếp giá
615.1 A924
Xuất bản
9. - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022
Mô tả
946tr ; 24 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
thuốc, bào chế, hóa dược
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
Design of dosage forms -- Dissolution and solubility -- Properties of solutions -- Surfaces and interfaces -- Disperse systems – Rheology -- Kinetics -- Solid-state properties -- Particle size analysis-- Particle size reduction and sizeseparation – Mixing -- Powder flow -- Fundamentals of microbiology -- Pharmaceutical applications ofmicrobiological techniques -- Action of physical and chemical agentson microorganisms -- Principles of sterilization -- Sterilization in practice -- Introduction to biopharmaceutics -- Gastrointestinal tract e physiology anddrug absorption -- Bioavailability e physicochemical,dosage form and formulation factors -- Assessment of biopharmaceuticalproperties -- Dosage regimens -- Pharmaceutical preformulation -- Solutions -- Clarification -- Suspensions -- Emulsions and creams -- Ointments, pastes, gels, cutaneouspatches and topical sprays -- Powders, granules and granulation – Drying -- Tablets and compaction -- Modified-release oral drug delivery -- Coating of tablets and multiparticulates -- Continuous manufacturing of tablets -- Hard capsules -- Soft capsules -- Dissolution testing of solid dosageforms -- Parenteral drug delivery -- Pulmonary drug delivery -- Nasal drug delivery -- Ocular drug delivery -- Otic drug delivery -- Topical and transdermal drug delivery -- Rectal and vaginal drug delivery -- Preparation and delivery ofbiopharmaceuticals -- Pharmaceutical nanotechnology andnanomedicines – Radiopharmaceuticals -- The formulation and manufacture ofplant medicines -- Design and administration of medicinesfor paediatric and geriatric patients -- Packaging -- Chemical stability in dosage forms -- Microbial contamination, spoilage andpreservation of medicines -- Product stability and stability testing -- Pharmaceutical quality: the applicationof pharmaceutics in medicines regulation.
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