Cost accounting: foundations and evolutions

Ký hiệu xếp giá
657.42 R149
Xuất bản
7. - Mason, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing, 2008
Mô tả
776tr ; 28 cm
Ngôn ngữ
Loại tư liệu
Từ khóa
Data mining, Hypertext systems, Web databases
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
Brief Contents: Introduction to Cost Accounting; Cost Terminology and Cost Behaviors; Predetermined Overhead Rates, Flexible Budgets and Absorption/Variable Costing; Activity - Based Management and Activity - Based Costing; Job Order Costing; Process Costing; Standard Costing and Variance Analysis; The Master Budget; Break - Even Point and Cost - Volume - Profit Analysis; Relevant Information for Decision Making; Allocation of Joint Costs and Accounting for by Product/Scrap; Introduction to Cost Management Systems; Responsibility Accounting, Support Department Cost Allocations, and Transfer Pricing; Performance Measurement, Balanced Scorecards, and Performance Rewards; Capital Budgeting; Managing Costs and Uncertainty; Implementing Quality Concepts; Inventory and Production Management; Emerging Management Practices; Present Value Tables.
Thông tin lưu trữ
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Kho 2  Tầng 1 
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200000390  Còn  Rỗi          
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