Programming logic and design: comprehensive
5. -
Thomson Course Technology,
Đăng ký mượn sách
Đánh dấu
This book includes: General programming concepts; the key concepts of structure; documentation, modularization, sound design principles; the intricacies of desision making, looping, and array manipulation; File handling and applications; object-oriented programming, animation, and exception handling; System modeling with the UML; using relation databases. It contains appendixes: Solving difficult structuring problams; creating print charts; Understanding numbering systems and computer codes; using a large decision table; software testing and validation)
Thông tin lưu trữ
Mã kho |
Tên kho |
Vị trí |
Tổng số bản |
2 |
Kho 2 |
Tầng 1 |
1 |
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Hạn trả |
200000354 |
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