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Xem kết quả từ Google
Advanced grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English: with answers
Martin Hewings
Ký hiệu xếp giá:
428.24 H599a
Chủ đề:
English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers
English language -- Grammar -- Problems, exercises, etc.
Tiếng Anh -- Ngữ pháp -- Học tập và giảng dạy
Contents: Tenses; The future; modals and semi-modals; Linking verbs, passives, questions; Verb complementation: what follows verbs; Reporting; Nouns; Articles, determiners and quantifiers; Relative...
English Pronunciation in Use: Advanced: self-study and classroom use
Martin Hewings
Ký hiệu xếp giá:
428.3 H599
Chủ đề:
English language -- Pronunciation -- Problems, exercises, etc.
English language -- Spoken English -- Problems, exercises, etc.
Tiếng Anh -- Phát âm
Tiếng Anh -- Tiếng Anh đàm thoại
English Pronunciation in Use is a comprehensive reference and practice book suitable for self-study or classroom work. Sixty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual...
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