Tài liệu được tìm trên toàn bộ hệ thống
3 tài liệu được tìm thấy
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 428.3 B877
The book includes 16 core units and four expansion units. Each core unit has four parts: Warming up, two main Listening tasks, and Your turn to talk, a speaking activity for pairs or small groups....
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 428.3 B877
The book includes 16 core units and four expansion units. Each core unit has four parts: Warming up, two main Listening tasks, and Your turn to talk, a speaking activity for pairs or small groups....
Ký hiệu xếp giá: 428.3 B877
The book includes 16 core units and four expansion units. Each core unit has four parts: Warming up, two main Listening tasks, and Your turn to talk, a speaking activity for pairs or small groups....
Đang xem: 3515