Information Systems provides the foundation that will enable students to achieve excellence in business, whether they major in operations management, manufacturing, sales, marketing,... Information...
Contents: An Introduction to Crystal Reports; Getting Started; Report Formatting and Organization; Analyzing Report Data; Empressions, Formulas, and Functions; Building Complex Reports; Adding Visual...
Contents: introduction to computer vision and the Raspberry Pi, preparing the Raspberry Pi for computer vision, introduction to python programming, getting started with computer vision, basics of...
This book includes: Introduction to 3D Game Development; Introduction to Programming; 3D Programming Concepts; Game Programming; Game play; Network; Common Scripts; Introduction to Textures; Skins;...
Contents at a Glance: Lights! Camera! Mesh Geometries!; Transforms and Animation; Axis/ Angle Rotation; Light and Shading; Texture and Shading; Texture and Materials; Algorithmic Mesh Geometries;...
Contents: getting started, for loops, numbers, if statements, miscellaneous topics I, strings, lists, more with lists, while loops, miscellaneous topics II, dictionaries, text files, functions,...
Brief contents: what is programming?; classes and methods I: basics; fundamental data types of Java; decision making; classes and methods II: classes with multiple methods; iteration; classes and...
This book provides the beginning programmer with a guide to developing object-oriented program logic. This textbook assumes no programming language experience. . The examples in this book have been...
Contents: Number Systems; Machine Language; H1 Assembly Lamguage: Part 1; H1 Assembly Lamguage: Part 2; Basic Electronics and Digital Logic; Microlevel of H1 and V1; Evaluating the Instruction Set...