Contents:Acknowledgements; Introduction to electronics; Engineering mathematics; Setting up your own digital electronics lab; Boolean logic and digital electronics; Power supplies; Test equipment;...
THIS BOOK INCLUDES: PART 1: DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS: Digital logic; Integrated circuits and the 7400 logic femilies; Basic computer architecture; Memory; Serial communications; Instructive...
Contents preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1. Introduction to electronics Chapter 2. Engineering mathematics Chapter 3. Setting up your own digital electronics lab Chapter 4. Boolean logic and digital...
This book includes: Part 1: DESIGN AND ADMINISTRATIVE: A brief history of metal cutting; Computer- integrated manufacturing Part 2: SHEETMETAL AND PRESS PROCESSES: Fineblanking; Cold forging:...
Contents Part 1 DESIGN AND ADMINISTRATIVE Chapter 1. A brief history of metal cutting Chapter 2. Computer- integrated manufacturing Part 2 SHEETMETAL AND PRESS PROCESSES Chapter 3. Fineblanking...
Business Correspondence introduces students to the proper formats and approaches to use in written office communication. This course develops practical business writing skills in English that...
This book is a collection of nearly 250 shortened or adapted business letters that were actually emailed, faxed, or posted. While the letters vary in complexity and length, all samples are comprised...
Contents: foundations for selecting community and public health education strategies, becoming a health education professional, promoting health education in a multicultural society, exploring...
Introduction; the big disclaimer; about the car used in this book; how much will it cost? pros and cons of conversion; choosing a car; making a plan; motors and controllers; batteries; should you...