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Introduction to probability and statics: principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciences (Part I) (COPY)
Janet Susan Milton
Jesse C. Arnold
Ký hiệu xếp giá:
519.5 Mi-J
Chủ đề:
I. Title
Engineering mathematics
Electronic data processing -- Mathematics
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to probability and counting Chapter 2 Some probability laws Chapter 3 Discrete distributions Chapter 4 Continuous distributions Chapter 5 Joint distributions Chapter 6...
Introduction to probability and statics: principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciences (Part II) (COPY)
Janet Susan Milton
Jesse C. Arnold
Ký hiệu xếp giá:
519.5 Mi-J
Chủ đề:
I. Title
Engineering mathematics
Electronic data processing -- Mathematics
Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to probability and counting Chapter 2 Some probability laws Chapter 3 Discrete distributions Chapter 4 Continuous distributions Chapter 5 Joint distributions Chapter 6...
Introduction to probability and statistics: principles and applications for engineering and the computing sciences
J. Susan Milton
Jesse C. Arnold
Ký hiệu xếp giá:
519.5 M6622i 2003
Chủ đề:
Engineering mathematics
Computer science -- Mathematics
Toán kỹ thuật
Thống kê
This book includes: Introduction to probability and counting; Some probability laws; Discrete distributions; Continuous distributions; Joint distributions; Descriptive statistics; Estimation;...
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