The Customer Message Management processes and tools are being implemented with a growing roster of progressive companies. We are grateful for these visionary organizations, especially our fearless...
Health Behavior: Theory, Research, and Practice, Fifth Edition, is a thorough introduction to the practice of health education and health promotion, covering the theories, applications, and research...
Contents: Indispensable Communications Tools; Lessons from the best; Additional Tips and Techniques; Minding the gap between performance Problems and Optimum performance.
Brief contents: Part I: formulation of a sales program: the process of selling and buying; linking strategies and the sales role in the era of customer relationship management; organizing the sales...
This book includes: Basic Sales Planning Strategy; Sales Letter Style; Sales Letter Basics; Fax/Memo/E-mail Basics; Letters of Introduction; Letters to Prospects; Letters Requesting a Sales...
This book lays out a Framework for building a successful program for managing global accounts. They highlight the critical success factors necessary for a global account program to satisfy the needs...