Units: checking in; at a trade fair; schedules; meeting people; in the office; work; appointments; directions and shopping; reservations; requests and offers; socializing; vocabulary check; answer...
CEH: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11 Practice Tests are the ideal preparation for this high-stakes exam. Five complete, unique practice tests are designed to help you identify weak spots in your...
Contents: process writing; getting ready to write; the structure of a paragraph; descriptive and process paragraphs; opinion paragraphs; comparison/ contrast paragraphs; problem/solution paragraphs;...
Contents: the changing world; business and businesses; global trading; sustainable deveopment; production; sales; business performance; finance; marketing; increasing sales; customer service;...
Contents: The business environment; The company; Travel; Sport; Sales; Cultural awareness; Advertising; Fashion and style; Technology; Job satisfaction; Market research; Bright ideas; Dealing with...
Contents: great places to be, people's lives, getting from A to B, it was all new once, animal world, being human, literacy skills, tourist attractions, every drop counts, building design.