This book inclues: An Overview of Accounting and Financial Reporting; How Accountants Measure and Report; Managing Financial Reporting; Cost Concepts and Analysis; Product Costing and an Introduction...
This book includes: Overview of Accounting Information Systems; Transaction Cycles and Business Processes; Advanced Technologies in Accouting Information; Systems Development Activities; Computer...
This book inclues: Introduction to Accounting and Business; Analysing Transactions; The Matching Concept and the Adjusting Process; Completing the Accounting Cycle; Accounting for Trading Businesses;...
This book incluces: Comprenensive Cases; Audits of High-Risk Accounts; Internal Control Issues; Ethical Responsibilities of Accountants; Ethical Responsibilities of Independent Auditors; Professional...
This book provides a management overview of information security and a through treatment of the administration of information security. It can be used to support course delivery for information...
This book stands proudly at the beginning of the IS Curriculum and remains unchallenged in its position an the only IS principles text offering the basic IS concepts that every business student must...
Contents: Micromechanical Characterization of Component Materials; Mechanics and Tribology for Data Storage Systems; Dynamics and controls for Data Storage Systems.
Brief Contents: The Nature of Costs; Opportunity Cost of Capital Budgeting; Organizational Architecture; Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing; Budgeting; Cost Allocation: Theory; Cost...