Brief contents: computer hardware; operating system; windows environment; unix and linux; internet; programming and C; control statements in 'C'; arrays, pointer and functions; structures and files.
Contents: Introduction to computers; Number systems; Basis computer principles; Assembly language principles; Computer architecture-general fetures; Microprogrammed CPU design; Superscalar machine...
This book includes: Ethics of Hacking and Cracking; Reconnaissance; Scanning Tools; Sniffers; TCP/IP Vulnerabilities; Encryption and Password Cracking; Spoofing; Session Hijacking; Hacking Network...
Stallings’ Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice introduces students to the compelling and evolving field of cryptography and network security. In an age of viruses and hackers,...
Contents: An Introduction to Crystal Reports; Getting Started; Report Formatting and Organization; Analyzing Report Data; Empressions, Formulas, and Functions; Building Complex Reports; Adding Visual...
This book incluces: Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications; Fundamentals of Data and Signals; Conducted and Wireless Media; Making Connections Efficient: multiplexing and...